Tiling and Arranging Windows

Window Management System

This system provides a flexible and powerful way to manage windows in a 3D environment, including tiling, focusing, and various window operations.

Key Features

  • Window creation and management
  • Multiple tiling modes (grid, around, cockpit)
  • Window focusing and unfocusing
  • Window minimizing and maximizing
  • Dynamic position and scale adjustments

Tiling Modes

The system supports three tiling modes:

  1. Grid: Arranges windows in a grid pattern.
  2. Around: Positions windows in a circular arrangement.
  3. Cockpit: Places windows in a cockpit-like configuration.

Core Components


The WindowStore is the central state management system for windows. It uses Zustand for state management and provides various methods for window manipulation.

Key Methods:

  • addWindow(window: WindowInf): Add a new window to the system.
  • removeWindow(id: string): Remove a window from the system.
  • tileWindows(mode: 'grid' | 'around' | 'cockpit', adjustScale?: boolean): Arrange windows according to the specified tiling mode.
  • focus(id: string): Bring a window into focus.
  • unfocus(id: string): Remove focus from a window.
  • minimize(id: string): Minimize a window.
  • maximize(id: string): Maximize a window.
  • close(id: string): Close a window.
  • resetWindowPositions(): Reset all windows to their original positions.

Example Usage

import { useWindowStore } from '@react-three/window-manager';
const { tileWindows } = useWindowStore();

Opting out of Tiling

In many cases you may not want a window to be tiled. You can disable the default of tiling with disableTiling.

    id: 'music-player',
    title: 'Music Player',
    width: 100,
    height: 100,
    disableTiling: true,