Simple Window

Simple Window Tutorial

This tutorial is meant to give a basic overview of implementing a Window in SpatialJS. It is not meant to be a full fledged Spatial Application, but rather a basic overview of how to get started with SpatialJS.

Before we start with the basics of getting your first single SpatiaJS Window, let's start with a basic R3f scene and application.

To start with a basic React Three Fiber (R3F) app, you can use the following npx commands:

npx create-r3f-app hello-world


Install SpatialJS Core and its peer dependencies:

npm install @spatialjs/core react @react-three/fiber three @react-three/uikit

Quick Start

  1. Add the WindowManager to your scene
import { WindowManager, createWindow } from "@spatialjs/core";
<WindowManager />
  1. Creating your first Window UI using UI KIT
import { Container, Text } from "@react-three/uikit";
const MyWindow = () => {
  return (
            <Text>Hello World</Text>
  1. Add a Window to your scene
import { createWindow } from "@spatialjs/core";
const window = createWindow(MyWindow, {
  title: "My Window",

Now that you have created your first window you should have some basic knowledge of how windows are made. Otherwise the interior content of the window can be anything you want to include. A typical usecase would be to add the window on first load of the app. Here is an example of that.

  1. Add Window on App Load
const App = () => {
  useEffect(() => {
    createWindow(HelloWorld, {
      id: 'hello-world', // optional - if not provided, a unique id will be generated
      title: 'Hello, World!', // optional - if not provided, the component name will be used
      position: [0, 0, -5], // optional - if not provided, the window will be created at the center of the scene
  }, []);
 return (
    <WindowManager />